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Pregnancy, Newborn and Pediatric Chiropractic Care


Chiropractic care throughout all stages of Pregnancy, Infancy, and Childhood are essential for the health of Mom and Child.  Read below for specific ways chiropractic is beneficial at different develpmental stages


If you are reading this section, most likely you and your partner are having a difficult time conceiving or staying pregnant.  There are many different aspects a couple has to analyze when determining the reason: Ovulation dysfunction, Sperm disorders, Pelvic dysfunctions, Abnormal mucosa, or more frustrating...Unidentifiable.  This is an exhausting and frustrating situation to be in and I sympathize with you and your partner.


How Chiropractic Can Help:

I want to be clear that I am not implying that Chiropractic directly treats each of these complications.  Chiropractic is a health specialty that focuses on restoring proper neural-muscular-skeletal systems.  If there is an imbalance within these systems the body will not function efficiently causing dysfunction.  Reversely, once the interferences are removed the body is able to function properly and restore homeostasis (balance) and heal.


When it comes to fertility, Dr. Erin focuses on the integrity of the Lumbar Spine, Sacrum, and Cranial Systems.    

If there is a dysfunction in the Lumbar/Sacral region (lower back and pelvis) the information going to and from the brain may be compromised.  Such a dysfunction in the low back/pelvis can often times go unnoticed and not provide any other symptoms.  A focused Chiropractic examination is necessary to determine osseous (bone), soft tissue, and fascial restrictions that may be contributing to the dysfunction.


The cranium (skull, dura, meninges) as well as the cranial-sacral system is also quite important since the majority of female fertility hormones originate in the brain.  FSH and LH are both vital hormones to mature the female follicle and stimulate ovulation of a mature egg.  Chiropractic cranial therapy can restore proper cranial-sacral rhythm, release Dural restrictions, and allow the body to regain a more natural hormone balance.


The Typical Patient:

I share this section with you to let you know you are not alone.  Unfortunately in this day-in-age fertility issues occur way too often (I have my theories but that deserves its own section ;)  Many couples will come to me after 2-3 years of trying to conceive with no results.  They usually have been to fertility specialists and have the lab outcomes for both the male and female.  Chiropractic and/or other alternative treatments are their last hope before resorting to expensive and more invasive options.  Results do not always happen; however, there is a remarkable success rate and it is ALWAYS a joyous visit when a couple returns with the news they conceived on their own!  I wish we could have our interactions a bit earlier in the couple's process. 


Most advantageous Chiropractic Outcomes:

Preparing mom and her pelvis for adequate expansion during the delivery decreases the duration of labor!

You can achieve your ideal pregnancy and birthing experience!  Chiropractic will help prepare your body for delivery and relieve physical stress from your developing body/baby!


There is a specific chiropractic technique, Webster Technique, designed specifically for pregnant women.  Webster Technique relieves the causes of intrauterine constraint.  These constraints include any force that may obstruct the normal development and movement of the fetus within the position of the bones, ligaments, body movements and so on.  Ligaments are designed to relax due to a release of a hormone called relaxin.  This laxity allows the pelvis to have extra movement giving more space for the baby and helping with the delivery.  


Often the full potential of this extra space is not utilized due to a dysfunction within one or more of the pelvic joints, they are just not moving properly.  Chiropractic is able to restore proper pelvic function thus allowing for adequate movement.


There are two parts to the Webster Analysis and Correction:

1. The biomechanics within the pelvis are analyzed.  A light force adjustment is delivered to restore proper function and help balance muscular tone

2. Abdominal muscles and pelvic ligaments which support the uterus are analyzed for tension.  A gentle correction is done to relieve any muscle spasm and decrease tension within the pelvic ligaments.



Chiropractic Adjustments are Safe:

It is recommended to see a doctor of chiropractic who is trained and experienced in caring for expecting mothers, infants, and kids since the technique used is modified to fit the individual's needs.  There is no force being put onto the fetus during an adjustment.  The chiropractic table allows for pregnant tummies to sit comfortably with no additional pressure and/or a pregnancy pillow is used to help support the tummy and breast.


0-4 Years   Continued


 to Toddler

Birth Trauma


The process of being born is often a physically demanding event for mom and baby.  The majority of newborns will have moderate to high dysfunction of the upper cervical region of the spine (where the skull meets the neck) due to the birth process.  Studies continue to be conducted to assess this prevalence and determine the cause of increased severity.  This upper cervical dysfunction is found in natural deliveries as well as assisted deliveries.  However, there are speculations that births with interventions (induction, forceps, vacuum extraction, cesarean deliveries) seem to be a correlation with a higher severity of upper cervical dysfunction as well as other areas of dysfunction.


Dr. Erin Shook has seen great results treating children with:

Torticollis                                 Irritations                                ADHD

Colic                                        Flat Head Syndrome              Autism

Ear Infections                         Bed Wetting                           Down syndrome

Nursing/Latching Issues      Cognitive Delays                    Cerebral Palsy

Constipation                          Physical Delays                  ....and so much more!



*Please note:  Even though children with wide range of presentations and diagnosis have seen favorable results by using Chiropractic Neurological Assessment, Dr. Erin is not claiming to specifically treat these diagnoses.  By removing the interference within a body and restoring proper communication the body is able to function properly and be relieved of the unwanted symptoms/presentations.


An infant Chiropractic assessment will look at both the spine and the cranium (skull) for proper function throughout the whole system.  Dr. Erin Shook will also assess the natural cranial-sacral rhythm that creates a pumping mechanism of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) from the brain down the spinal cord to the sacrum and back up to complete the cycle.  This fluid nourishes the entire central nervous system (CNS) while removing waste and toxins.  Usually there are much fewer structural restrictions since the infant is mostly cartilage and is not weight bearing and much more meningeal/Dural restrictions as compared to an adult.  


More Importantly:


Chiropractic will assist with proper development throughout the most critical phase of neurological development.  The first year of life holds the most drastic changes of the nervous system and brain development.  At this stage of life the posterior-inferior part of the brain (cerebellum) provides most of the work.  The cerebellum acts as a switch board relaying messages from the body's mechanoreceptors and sensory input neurons to the rest of the brain.  This relay of messages is vital for the development of the different areas of the brain and the cerebral cortex.  Dr. Erin Shook's chiropractic adjustments will allow the body to process the information in the most efficient way.  This allows for establishing the proper neural pathways.




The foundation of one's entire life is established during these vital first 10 years.  Our neural and structural development are hard wiring specific patterns that will remain with us most of our life.  Think of our body as a computer.  This hard wiring is like a computer program template.  Yes we can add and change things on the program; however, we cannot change the baseline template itself.  As we continue to grow and develop into adolescence and adulthood, our body will be building off this primary foundation.  This is why it is crucial for children to be under proper chiropractic care. 


Please understand that headaches, re-occurring ailments, chronic or re-occurring sickness is not a "normal" occurrence of childhood.  These are signs that the body is not functioning properly.  


This generation is the sickest society has seen in a long time.  Some experts say this is the first generation in a long time whose life expectancy is LESS than their parents.  We see a rise in cognitive/development disorders (Autism, ADHA, Dyslexia, etc) as well as an increase in illnesses due to decreased immune systems (Asthma, Allergies, Food Sensitivities, etc).  Why is this?


It seems as if our focus has shifted to 'what can I take to get the results I am seeking'.  This outside-in philosophy sets one up for continuous downward cycle.  Society needs to re-learn how to work with one's natural abilities to achieve health and healing.  When the body is functioning properly in a balanced homeostasis state it has the ability to heal and remain healthy.  Science shows this all the time however this information does not seem to be shared with the mass public.  Regain control of your own health and the health of your family.  Learn the basic functions of the human body and why they are important.  Yes, the body is a complex organ...don't overwhelm yourself by analyzing each individual system.  Look at the body as a whole.  If you alter one system or one area of the body you will create change (good and/or bad) throughout your entire body.



Early in this time frame we have vital CHANGES to:

1: the Central Nervous System (brain development)

2: the Skeletal System (cartilage and bone change shape/articulations).


1:  The midbrain which is comprised of the cerebellum, limbic system, and brainstem is dominate at birth.  This part of the brain is also referred to as the Primitive Brain as it is needed for the most basic life sustaining tasks such as breathing, heart rate, digestion, sleep, as well as few emotions ie: sense of fear or attachment/safety.  The function of a newborn's nervous system can be assessed through Primitive Reflexes.  These primitive reflexes are established by the midbrain thus are vital for survival.  The most known of these are the Rooting Reflex, Grasping Reflex, Babinski Reflex, Moro or Startle Reflex.  There are others to assess the integrity of the pupillary/ocular system (eyes), vestibular system, and extremity coordination.  


A baby is born with a plethora of neurons.  However, they lack neural pathways.  Newborns have all these neurons but no efficient way to connect the sensation from periphery (body) to the interpretation by brain and finally the motor response desired by such stimuli.  The ingenious design of our body uses primary reflexes to stimulate the nervous system thus establishing neural pathways that extend beyond the midbrain to the Cerebrum.  The cerebrum is responsible for higher level of functioning and cognition such as critical thinking, reasoning, problem solving, language, voluntary movements/spatial orientation.  There is a reason that physical and motor milestones are reached before cognitive milestones.  The midbrain (especially cerebellum) is highly responsible for developing the cerebral cortex and developing the ability for thought, reasoning, logic, etc. 


2: The spine undergoes physical changes in preparation for weight bearing and walking.  The shape of the newborn spine forms a big 'C' from skull to tailbone due to being curled in a ball in utero.  The spine needs to be molded to form appropriate facet angles (articulates from one vertebra to an adjacent vertebra above or below) to establish our upright, weight bearing position.  When properly developed the spine will form an 'S' shape giving proper support to the Central Nervous System (CNS).  If not established, tension and pulling on the CNS and Dural system will result in increased chances of chronic severe pain and radiculopathy. 


There are specific small muscles which play an important role in proper spine molding.  These muscles put specific forces onto the bone/cartilage assisting the body to function properly and send appropriate neural feedback to the brain.  These will remain our vital stabilizing muscles into adulthood.  Dr. Erin Shook uses neural and biomechanical assessments along with infant milestones to assess the development of the cognitive and structural development of the infant/child.  Home exercises and/or techniques are often taught to speed up progress between adjustments.  



Development of I need to say more!


Adolescents go through a huge development change.  Whether you believe you are prepared for it or not...hormones rule the body!  With the hormonal changes come structural changes and functional changes.  These are all NORMAL and NECESSARY to achieve adulthood.  Modern science makes us believe these changes are unnecessary and must be 'controlled' and 'managed' through drugs.  Drugs which put artificial hormones into our body to try and regulate the 'normal' cycle.  However, we need to be cautious when we try to manipulate this natural process of hormonal changes.  Yes, the first several years of adulthood is supposed to be a bit chaotic...simply because our bodies have never been exposed to such input before.  The teenage body is trying to read, interpret, and understand huge changes within his/her own BODY and MIND.  That makes it even more important that the body begins to understand and regulate these changes for itself. 


Chiropractic comes into pay:

Properly trained chiropractors will be able to detect imbalances within the neural-muscular-skeletal systems.  These imbalances can result in a multitude of symptoms...from anxiety, headaches, muscle/growing pains, and all to common ADHD and Hyperactivity.  


Also, it is vital that we do not step around one of the obvious side-effects of today's computer/smart phone society drawing our young people into an even more flexed posturing.  This creates long lasting neuro-muscular hardwiring that sets the individual up for serious injury and dysfunction down the road.  This is all do to improper biomechanics of the body putting additional stresses onto the most vital system of our body...the neurological system.  Imbalances developed by the adolescent stage will contribute to compensation patterns and imbalances throughout adulthood.


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